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A Comprehensive Check List Of Goas Avian Diversity

Herald Goa

Threatened Birds of Goa: A Growing Concern

A Comprehensive Check-list of Goa's Avian Diversity

In an extensive check-list, Goa's rich biodiversity has been documented, including species of plants and animals found within the region. This compilation draws from both published and unpublished literature, providing valuable insights into the state's natural heritage.

Goa's Bird Sanctuary: A Haven for Western Ghats Endemic Species

Goa boasts an impressive collection of 473 bird species, with 11 being endemic to the Western Ghats. These unique avian species play a crucial role in the ecosystem and their presence is a testament to Goa's pristine environment.

Wildlife Week Celebrations Amidst Extinction Threats

As the nation commemorates Wildlife Week, Goa's wildlife faces an alarming threat of total extinction by the middle of the century. This grim reality demands immediate attention and action to protect Goa's precious wildlife.

Vultures: A Worrying Decline

One of the most concerning aspects of Goa's wildlife decline is the rapid disappearance of vultures. Four species of vultures are facing extinction, sounding an alarm for conservationists and environmentalists alike.

